Our tiered Patriot Money Market Accounts combine the earning power of a CD-type investment, with the flexibility of a checking account to give you high earning potential and liquidity. This account features a tiered rate, which means the higher the balance, the higher the rate earned.

Account Features

  • Unlimited in-person withdrawals
  • Free online banking 
  • Interest compounded monthly
  • Monthly statements (electronic or mailed)
  • Check imaging 
  • Limit six checks per statement cycle
  • $1,000 minimum balance requirement*

Transaction limitations apply. During any statement cycle, you may not make more than six withdrawals or transfers to another account you own or that of a third party by means of a pre-authorized or automatic transfer or telephone order of instruction, computer transfer, or by check. 

*A service charge of $10 will be imposed each monthly statement cycle if the daily balance falls below $1,000 any day of the cycle. 

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