Supporting our community is always top of mind at BFC! And in our short 20+ year history, we have been able to financially support a long list of community organizations, schools, and non-profits through our various sponsorship/donations. If you are looking for a sponsorship/donation for any upcoming campaigns, events, or fundraisers, please email the details (including any fliers or forms) to marketing@bankfc.com with a Subject Line of “Sponsorship/Donation Request.”
We do our best to meet the needs of each sponsorship/donation request and fit as many into our budget as possible, but unfortunately, due to the increased amount of requests we receive, we are not always able to give each year.
As an additional service to our community, we use our exterior digital marquee boards to promote as many community events as possible. These events are usually community-wide, school, or church events (sausage/fish dinners, comedy nights, Washington/New Haven events, etc.).
Events are promoted at any or all three marquee locations:
- 8th Street – Washington
- Rabbit Trail – Washington
- New Haven
We do our best to run the event advertisement for the two weeks leading up to the actual event, however, all Bank of Franklin County campaigns and events take priority over outside ads and may impact the scheduling. In addition, any event ads that need to be created by BFC will require ample lead time for digital production, however, we cannot guarantee all requests will be completed.
Please note: We reserve the right to review and accept/refuse any request.
1. CREATED BY YOU (ideal)
Sending a completed ad increases the likelihood of your ad being shown the full two weeks before your event, as well as, ensures the accuracy of your brand and event details. If you are submitting static images and all your content doesn’t fit on one page/slide, it can be more than one “slide” that plays back-to-back. Please include the attachment(s) and which marquee(s) you would like the event to show on and send it to marketing@bankfc.com with a Subject Line of “Digital Marquee Request.”
Creative Requirements:
- Size: 150 pixels high by 270 pixels wide*
- Type: MP4 Video, JPEG or PNG File
- Any videos should be under 15 seconds
- Attachment Size: Email attachment(s) need to be less than 10 MB total**
If you have any technical questions, please feel free to reach out: marketing@bankfc.com
We can develop your digital ad for the marquee free of charge, but do request we receive all details and creative assets (i.e. logos) at least one month before the event if at all possible. The more lead time, the better.
For us to create your digital ad, please send any of the information requested below that pertains to your event, to marketing@bankfc.com with a Subject Line of “Digital Marquee Request.”
Event Details:
- Sponsoring Organization Name
- Event Title
- Date and Time
- Event Website or Phone Number for More Info
- Any Event Specific Details
- Any Attachments**
- Current Event Flyer
- Creative Assets (organization logo, event logo, etc.)
- Current Event Flyer
- Which marquee(s) you would like the event to show on?
* Please remember these are seen from the highway, so the more contrast between colors and bigger you can make any text, the better. If there are any issues with your designed files, we will reach out.
** If your attachment(s) are bigger than 10 MB total, reach out to marketing@bankfc.com and we will work out the best way to send the file.
** If your attachment(s) are bigger than 10 MB total, reach out to marketing@bankfc.com and we will work out the best way to send the file.